Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Pengolahan Makanan di Instalasi Gizi RSUD X Kota Solok

Nurmaines Adhyka, Rizanda Machmud


One of the hospital functions is to providing medical treatment and health recovery service according to regulation. Nutritional installation has one of important facilities that director of hospital had to pay attention. This process starts form planning, producing and distributing food for patient. The important role from this section is providing food to reach suitability diet for patient, it intended to cure the patient and prevent a complication, decrease morbidity and mortality patient. This study purpose to determine the root cause problem in nutritional installation in RSUD X and the alternative solution problems guided by guidelines and regulations of the minister of health. The research method was a field research which data collected by observation, interview and literature review. The result found there had been four factor based on fish bone analysis and the most effective one is makes Nutrition Installation Service Guide.


Nutrition Installation, Hospital, PGRS2013

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34008/jurhesti.v5i2.203

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